Introducing the Referral Program
Introducing the Referral Program

Introducing the Referral Program

Refer Game-Changing Startups & Members, and Share the Upside!

Refer a Deal: Earn 5% of carry

Get it on the action by referring exceptional startups. Help us empower the next generation of CEE innovators.

Get 5% of our carry on a referred deal if:

  • You're the first person to refer the company
  • The company isn't already in our funnel
  • We aren't already in contact with the company
  • We invest in the company


  1. invests €150K in a startup you referred
  2. 5 years later, the startup is sold for 10x higher valuation
  3. share is worth €1.5M - Profit = €1.35M (€1.5M - €150K)
  4. 20% of profit = €270K - this is the 100% carry pool
  5. Your reward: 5% * €270K = €13,500

Refer a Member: Earn 2% of carry on your next investment

Expand our investor network by introducing high-caliber individuals who share our vision to support groundbreaking startups.

Get 2% of our carry on the next deal you invest in as soon as the referred member makes an investment.


  1. You refer a new member to
  2. The member invests in a deal
  3. To use the example on the right, carry pool is €270K
  4. Your reward: 2% * €270K = €5,400 per referred member

Ready to Make Things Happen?

Fill out the form below and help us uncover the next incredible startup or valued member!


Who is eligible to participate in the referral program?
How do I refer a deal or a member?
When do I receive my carry reward for successful referrals?
Are there any limits on how many deals or members I can refer?
What if someone else has already referred the same deal or member?
What happens if the referred company is already in the funnel or we're already in contact with them?
How do I know if my referral has been successful?
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